Sunday, October 21, 2012

Welcome to AR 122, Two Dimensional Design,

Welcome to Mod 2 and Two Dimensional Design class. 

 Here is a link to the syllabus for the class:

Take time to read through it to become familiar with the projects you will work on  over the course of the next 8 weeks.  The class blog is here:

I had blogger send you an invitation to your email address... open the email and click on the link inside to bring you to a sign in page for the blog.  This time, use your same Albertus log in and we shouldn't have any issues with posting.

Click on the link to the blog from the last time this was offered in ADP at the top of the syllabus to get a feel for the projects.

Here is a video I created on how to post to the class blog for newbies...

You will post 2 of your examples of your work for the current work along with some commentary and will put the balance of your work on your free account...  Please post the link to your fotothing portfolio in your first post.  Take a look at this class's blog, Mod 4, 2012

Email me with any questions!  There are only 3 in the class and this is just below the 8 required for a viable class ... but I decided to do this anyway as a tutorial at reduced pay.

Looking forward to working with you!

